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How Careful Caravan Selection Can Prevent Caravan Accidents

More than 14000 claims are made to the insurance department owing to caravan accidents every year. Out of these more than 135 claims pertain to rollover where 80% of the claims are classified as a total loss. The majority of the accidents occur due to some form of incompatibility of the caravan with the towing vehicle and the specific requirements of the customer.
Even though you may have taken every precaution possible, you can never rule out the possibility of an accident. However, it is possible to reduce the risk of accident by selecting your caravan carefully and ensuring that it complies with the specifications as mentioned in the manual. In order to understand the severity of the accidents and their causes, check the most common causes of rollover accidents below.
- Lost control on highway 30%
- Wind caught van and lost control 14%
- Hit gravel/verge and lost control 10%
- Overtook third party and lost control 10%
- Lost control on dirt/gravel road 8%
- Wheel fell off caravan/car 6%
- Lost control in rain 6%
- Overtaken by third party & lost control 4%
- Tyre blowout on caravan/car 4%
- Van came off towball 4%
- Mechanical failure 2%
- Swerved to miss animal 2%
Of all the rollover cases, 91% account for loss of control. In such situations, the entire caravan and the vehicle begin to fishtail and the driver is unable to bring it back into normal conditions. This is an indication that some vans are not configured correctly in terms of stabilization. It is common for drivers to panic when the caravan starts to sway, but it should not difficult to control it if the caravan has been matched with the towing ability of the vehicle at the time of purchase.
For a start, make sure you analyse your towing vehicle and share the specifications with a professional expert. Trust me, the pairing of the caravan and the towing vehicle can prevent a lot of accidents. This analysis would also reveal the maximum towing speed and the maximum permissible safe load that can be managed by the vehicle. Moreover, the dimensions of the caravan needs to be in accordance to the size of the towing vehicle. Any caravan awning or caravan annexe needs to be placed properly to avoid any serious conditions to develop.
By taking a few precautions and getting the right caravan for you, it is possible to mitigate the risks and ensure an enjoyable trip without having to bear the brunt of accidents. Caravan insurance does provide some cover, but nothing can replace the trauma of a bad experience or accident.
For Caravan Insurance also read: How to Reduce Premium for Caravan Insurance
Get Your Caravan Ready for the Summer!
The summer season would be upon us in a few months. While most of you have been out on the roads, enjoying some quality time with the family, others have been waiting patiently for the warm months of summer to hit the beaches and explore the sun washed lands.
If you have used your caravan, then you need to get it checked and repaired. You would also need to store the caravan awnings and annexes in a proper manner. In case the caravan has been kept standing for a long time, then it is even more important to get things prepped up for the vacations to come.
Follow these useful tips and you should be able to save yourself from a nightmare of spoiled holiday trips and high repair costs.
Get the Caravan Checked Up By A Pro
Even if you know the techniques of servicing your caravan, now would be a good time to get it checked up by a pro because there might be minor issues that you could have skipped during the inspection. In case any problem is identified, then they can get it repaired in the best manner possible.
Inspect the Pipes
The winter has almost ended, but that doesn’t mean the cold has gone away completely. There could be damp and frost damage in the pipes that could get worse if not checked in time. I am sure that you wouldn’t want to run into any issues with your caravan’s pipes during a trip as it could cause a lot of discomforts.
Clean Thoroughly
A lot of dirt and grime might have settled on the caravan itself. There might even be nooks and corners that need to be rid of dirt and debris. If these are allowed to remain on the caravan, then it could cause damage to the exterior. Make sure you check the manual for compatible cleaning agents and get the entire caravan cleaned at a professional cleaning service at least once. There could be some hard to reach places that you might not be able to clean properly.
Check the Gear
It is very important to check the hitching gear and the wheels of the caravan as any damage in these things could prove to be fatal during a trip. If the signs of corrosion or natural wear and tear are ignored, then they would fail to function properly. I am sure that none of you would like to put your family and loved ones at such risk. Change the tyre if it is excessively damaged. The brakes need to be tested also for ensuring that the caravan is safe to manoeuvre.
Look for Signs of Damage in Your Caravan Awnings
Caravan awnings are an important part of your travel accessories because it gives you a personal space wherever you park the caravan. Make sure you clean it and store it when not in use. After a trip, it is possible for debris to be accumulated on it. Do not allow such debris to be there on the material as it could damage the fabric itself. Before you set out on the trip, make sure to check the condition of the fabric and the awning system so that you don’t run into problems later.
Double Check on Safety and Insurance
Check all the safety measures that have been installed on the caravan and this includes checking the locks, alarm systems, and other safety features. And while you are at it, don’t forget to take a look at your caravan insurance. If it has expired, then get a new caravan insurance. Try to keep everything updated so that you have a backup in case something goes wrong.