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Criminals are Targeting Caravan Parks! Is Your Caravan Safe?

The risk of caravan theft is increasing with each passing day. This is not an assumption, rather a harsh reality that seems to pop up every now and then on news and social media. It has become absolutely quintessential for caravan owners to make use of the latest in security systems and measures to protect their vehicle at all times.
In a recent turn of events as reported by the Irish News, “Two caravans have vanished in the space of a week in Co Sligo, as fears grow that the vehicles are being stolen to order and then taken to England to be sold on”. As of now, the thieves are targeting premium caravan models that show up in the caravan parks. The modus operandi is not yet known, but caravans worth €20,000 and €6,000 respectively have been stolen from the area.
This brings to light the serious lack of adequate preparations and security measures due to which it was possible for the thieves to simply take away the caravans without much difficulty at all. Just because you have come on a holiday with your friends and family, you should not let down your guard. Without a second thought, you need to get a GPS tracking system installed on your caravan with adequate measures such that it is not possible to remove it easily. With the GPS installed, you should be able to track the caravan if it gets stolen.
Don’t wait for the caravan to get stolen to implement the security measures. Check out the following tips which should help you to stay out of harm’s way.
- Ensure your vehicle identification number (VIN) is etched on each window. This is a unique code which can be tracked online or by asking the authorities for assistance in this regard.
- Even you are making brief stops on your way, make sure that you immobilize the caravan so that any attempts to steal it may be deterred. Find out about the ways in which you can immobilize the caravan sufficient enough without requiring a lot of time to mobilize it again.
- Take some time out to know the neighbors in the camp site. They can keep an eye out for suspicious activity around your caravan and you can always return the favor by doing the same for them. The thief may be able to catch you off guard, but it would not be possible for them to keep an eye out for everyone in the vicinity and steal the vehicle at the same time.
- Do not leave any valuable items in the caravan when you move away from it. Even though the doors may be locked, there is a possibility that the caravan could be stolen if adequate measures are not taken. In such an event, you could lose your valuables also.
- Keep a photographic record at home of the interior and exterior of your caravan. This would help the authorities to identify the caravan faster and also confirm that it is your own and not a similar model.
- Install security alarms and other triggers which could alert others about possible infiltration attempts.
- Always lock all doors, windows and roof lights. This may be the most basic security measure but it can prove to be a major advantage for you.
While GPS is the most effective method for securing your caravan, you should not miss out on these small yet effective measures. As an additional precaution, consider getting a caravan insurance with optimum cover for the vehicle as well as for accessories such as caravan awnings and annexes. Not all insurance covers will have provision for these accessories. But if you search hard, you will be able to find it. Following these tips could help you to secure your caravan in a better manner