Love Your Caravanning Neighbor
Out in the world with the desire to roam free and wild, oftentimes you might come across people who would touch your lives in a way you had never expected. It is just one of those really lucky stories that we hear about from travellers - strangers becoming friends for life over a piece of shared advice or the help over changing of a spare tyre. Moments like these are what make up the high points in an adventure, after all, what is happiness if one has nobody to share it with?

When it comes to caravanning, having good neighbors is as much of a matter of luck as it is in your neighborhood. A good neighbor makes the living experience tenfold enjoyable and amazing! Though you cannot choose who your caravanning neighbor might be, you can very well establish a relationship with them by trying to break the ice. And who knows, this little effort might help you experience one of those feel-good stranger-turned-friends for life stories for real, and add to your adventure a whole new shade of camaraderie, colors, laughter and happiness to look back and reminisce in lonely times.
Read on to know how to keep it down and cool with your caravanning neighbor!
Offer for Help -
Do not be one of those travellers who sit back in the comfort of their fiamma awnings swigging a beer or two while being absolutely disregarding of the fact that someone in front of you might be needing help. Get up, and make the first move forward if you see somebody struggling with their tetherings, or a flat tyre. Smile, nod and try to establish a common ground, in case the person needing help doesn't recognise your language. As they say, a friend in need, is a friend indeed.
Be Inviting -
Whenever a new family or a group of fellow caravanners tether themselves to the pitch in your vicinity, try to be welcoming and nice to them. Maybe share adventure stories, or about trips with a family on a barbeque night under the starry skies accompanied with charcoal smoke - and your caravan awning will know what a good time looks like!
Do Not Create a Ruckus -
Most people who take up the adventure of roaming around the country in a motorhome, oftentimes do it out of their need to escape from the humdrum and the lacklustre grind of their daily life. And almost all of them are just looking to have a quiet, peaceful time to enjoy in good company. If you are travelling with children or pets, even though it is unavoidable at a vacation, still, do try to keep them within certain bounds when it comes to the line between adorably naggy to absolutely annoying. Uncontrolled behaviour might lead to sour relations with your caravanning neighbor, even though it wouldn't be much of your fault.
Therefore, you see how turning up your charm and knowing when to pull back might result in you striking up a valuable friendship with your neighbor, which might turn into a very special relationship that stands the test of time!