Roll-Out Awning
Are you struggling with your roll-out caravan awning? We have seen many people struggle to set up a roll-out awning. As they have increased in popularity, many still struggle. Well, it is rather easy to correctly open and close a roll-out awning if you know how to go about it. Don’t worry about caravan awnings from different brands. The basic mechanism is the same for all brands.

In order to open and close a roll-out awning correctly, just follow these steps.

  • Loosen the knobs at the back so that the arms may be brought down into the right position.
  • Release the plastic hatch that holds the inner and the outer arm. Once released, the arms can be extended properly to facilitate the opening of the roll-out caravan awning.
  • Repeat the procedure for the other support arm.
  • Now check the top of the awning. There should be a directional lever. You need to pull that down to the open position.
  • With the lever in the open position, you simply need to pull the awning strap with your rod and the awning should fall in place.
  • Now that the awning is extended, bring up the support arms and give it a slight push to make sure that it is in place.
  • Tighten the knob so that the arm stays in place. Do the same for the knob at the back.
  • Raise the awning with the help of the support arms till you get the height that you desire. Remember, you need to lift the awning by the same amount on both sides.
  • Tie the strap to one of the awning support arms. This will prevent it from flapping around.
  • If you want to remove the support arms from the caravan and peg it to the ground, just make sure you release it from the socket and put it on the ground. Adjust the height as needed.

This takes care of opening the roll-out awning. For winding it up and securing it in place, just follow the steps in reverse and you should be able to get the job done without any hassles. If you are looking for high quality and reliable caravan awnings, then check out this amazing online store.